This is my most-rejected short story. It has been rejected thirty-six times, which is a lot. It is a multiple of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 18 and 36. So I'm posting it here in the hope that you will read it and like it since it is a story I like a lot. Or maybe I've just got a soft spot for rejectees (I always picked out the mis-shapen pumpkins for Hallowe'en. Still do).
It also has some Arts and Crafts references, so I'll find some pretty Arts and Crafts illustrations with which to perk it up since it's not a really happy story.
Cleaning Mr. Graber's House
Lori-ann had been cleaning Mr.
Graber’s house for two years when she first started to think about taking something
from it.
She never would, of course. When
you cleaned houses for people you had to remember they were allowing you an unedited
and intimate glimpse into their lives.
She told
that to Mark one time. He just laughed at her.
“Get off
it! ‘Unedited?’ ‘Intimate?’” he said, making finger quotes, “You clean houses
for snobs who pay you, that’s all.”
not snobs. None of them are,” she said, angry at him the way she was all of the
time now.
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Tools of the Trade |
couldn’t remember when he had started making fun of her. Really making fun of
her, not just teasing. He never used to do that. Now he’d gotten just out-and-out
mean. Anything was fair game for him: her weight, though she wasn’t fat, her
job, her cooking. They developed a pattern. He’d make fun of her. She’d get
hurt, then get angry. He’d tell her she was too sensitive. Next, they’d be
In any case,
he was wrong about her clients. She knew that the way Mark saw it, anybody who
wasn’t just like him—anybody who didn’t rent an old camp, but actually owned a
house on the lake—was a snob. But they weren’t.
Some of
them were nicer than others, of course.
Mitchem, the old lady, was a sweetheart. She was pretty much home-bound, so she
was always there when Lori-ann cleaned her house.
She must have been lonely, living by
herself, no longer able to drive. Yet she didn’t try to talk Lori-ann’s ear off.
She’d make some polite chit-chat when Lori-ann arrived and then, when the
cleaning was finished, she would give her a mug of coffee and a home-made
cookie on a cloth napkin. They’d sit down and talk for fifteen minutes or so. Lori-ann
knew that Mrs. Mitchem had a son out in Seattle who worked for Microsoft. He
had two kids who were in their late teens. Her daughter lived nearby. She’d
adopted two Chinese girls, Susie and Rose. She was a stay-at-home mom now, but
before that had taught second grade.
Mitchem knew that Lori-ann lived with Mark in one of those converted camps out
on the lake. She knew that Lori-ann liked spending time with her niece and
nephew, that she was taking two classes at the community college. She knew
Lori-ann wanted to become a nurse someday.
At the rate she was going she
figured she’d be thirty before she finished. School cost money and took time.
She also cleaned
for the Robenses. She didn’t like the Robenses. The kids treated her as if she
were invisible—which, for them, she supposed she was. They took for granted
that their mother didn’t clean their house. That some girl named Lori-ann did
it for her.
Mrs. Robens was all-business. She
didn’t even pretend to be friendly. Lori-ann had never even seen Mr. Robens,
just his underwear which she sometimes found under the bed. He was a large man,
she’d determined, who cut little slits in the elastic waistbands of his boxers
so they wouldn’t bind so much.
She cleaned
for the Massarellis and the Adamses and the Whitlocks and the Wongs. In each
case, they were almost never home. Sometimes the McGees were--they both had
home offices and two teen-agers, so you never really knew who you were going to
run into there.
Sherry Schwartz
was always home because she had three pre-schoolers and was at her wit’s end
most of the time. She loved Lori-ann. It was more or less mutual. Sherry just
couldn’t keep on top of things—who could with three little kids?—and she was so
grateful for Lori-ann’s help.
like a big sister to me,” she told Lori-ann one time when she was in the midst making
home-made Play-dough, “I mean, I know I’m older than you and all that. But I
think you may be wiser.”
thought that might be true—she never would have had three kids all under the
age of five, for example—but she was flattered nonetheless.
It took
forever to clean Sherry’s house. She’d spend almost twice the time she did at
any other comparably-sized house. But she never told Sherry that she was giving
her what amounted to a 50% discount. That’s because it actually made her happy
to see Sherry visibly calmer when everything was clean and back in order—even
though she was sure it didn’t stay that way for long.
Graber’s house wasn’t the biggest, but it was clear that he was the richest of
her clients. Probably the one closest to being a snob, too. Except that he
wasn’t one.
He lived
out on Innisfree Road, the direct opposite side of the lake from where she and
Mark lived. It always made her laugh to think that both Mr. Graber and she had
lake views—hers from the trashy side, his from the wealthy.
There were
old mansions all along Innisfree
Road and Mr. Graber’s house had probably been a
carriage house to one that was no longer standing. She thought so because it wasn’t
all that much bigger than her and Mark’s camp. But for a carriage house, it was
huge and lavish.
Stucco on the outside, inside it
was all Arts & Crafts style. She never would have known that except that
Mr. Graber had books and books about Arts & Crafts and Gustav Stickley and
the Greene brothers. Over time she came to realize that Mr. Graber’s chairs and
sofa weren’t cheap knock-offs, but actually Stickley-crafted. The living room
rug was a traditional Donegal design with water lilies patterned across it.
The pottery
and metal ware he had were by McCoy and Rookwood and Roycroft. The tiles over
his countertops in the kitchen were plain white except for a border of heavily-glazed
and richly-textured ones in vivid colors. From what she’d read about in his
books, she figured they were Mercer Moravian, from a tile factory in
Pennsylvania that Henry Mercer, a man richer than God, had started in the early
20th-century. The factory still made tiles for people who had beaucoups bucks, as Mark would say.
Mostly Mr. Graber wasn’t home when Lori-ann
cleaned. That was how she’d come to start reading his books in the first place.
Usually, after she’d finished cleaning, she’d get a glass of water, one of his
books and go sit out on the porch. A rolling hill led down to the lake and she
liked to see it from this elevated angle—her and Mark’s camp was right at water
level. It was strange to look across the lake and know that she lived there,
but that it was a whole world away.
Eventually she would stop reading
whatever book she’d chosen. Then she’d put it back in its place, pack up her
stuff and leave.
But one
time when Mr. Graber was home while she cleaned, she asked him about the Arts
& Crafts movement. He spent a long time talking to her about it—its
history, its rationale, its style.
After that, if he was home, they always
talked. Always about house design or current events or movies. Never anything
Lori-ann took more care cleaning Mr. Graber’s house than anybody else’s. Apart
from the fact that everything in it seemed expensive and rare, she liked his
house best. The way the light reflected off the woodwork. The way the ceiling beams
always looked different, depending on the time of day and season, depending on
whether it was sunny or overcast.
Sometimes she
thought about what it must have been like to live here. Mr. Graber’s wife had
died four years ago. That was why he had started needing a housecleaner. She
had this fantasy about breaking up with Mark--which one or the other of them would
eventually do, she was certain--and coming to live with Mr. Graber as his
care-taker. She figured he was too old to want sex—well into his sixties, she
was sure. He didn’t have any family that she knew of. And she had a nurse’s
heart, even if she didn’t have a nursing degree yet.
In her
fantasy she’d live here with Mr. Graber until he died. And maybe he’d even
leave her the house in his will.
*** *** ***
It was when
Mark lost his job that she started thinking about taking something from Mr.
Graber’s house. Not money, even though she knew he kept cash in a wooden box on
his dresser.

There was a
moss-green and cream-colored wool rug that she loved. It was
smallish—three-by-five—but Mr. Graber would notice if it went missing. He’d
notice if anything went missing. And he would know who had taken it.
*** *** ***
She hadn’t really
considered it cheating, but apparently Mark did. And in a way that made
breaking up easier. They hadn’t been getting along. They didn’t have sex ever
and they fought all the time. But both were too chicken-shit to leave. Mark,
especially, since even in his new job he didn’t make as much money as Lori-ann
did cleaning houses.
So when
Mark found out about Mr. Graber, he was out the door—out of her life—like a
shot. The idea that she’d cheat on him with an old geezer was just too much to
Lori-ann, herself, couldn’t believe
she was sleeping with an old—older—man. For one thing, she honestly thought
that, past a certain age--say, sixty--men just couldn’t get it up anymore. Even
in the Viagra commercials the guys looked youngish, relatively speaking. So the
first time Mr. Graber kissed her she was dumbstruck. She already knew that he
liked her. But she had no idea he liked her that way. Or even could like
her that way.
It happened
one time when he came home and saw her sitting out on the back porch with her
glass of water. She was embarrassed—she’d finished cleaning an hour ago. But he
didn’t seem to mind that she was, essentially, loitering. Stay for dinner if
you want, he said. And he meant it. Then she wondered if, since she cleaned his
house, he also expected her to make dinner.
But he made
dinner. He had some steaks in the freezer, which he defrosted and pan-grilled. He
took out a plastic box of baby spinach and put that in a salad bowl along with
cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and crumbled blue cheese. He tossed these with the
home-made vinaigrette he always kept in a jar on his countertop. Then he heated
up some bread in the oven and opened up a bottle of red wine.

No, she
said, she’d quit. She didn’t mention that she had never smoked in the first
place, other than marijuana. Somehow it seemed more sophisticated to say she
used to smoke, then quit.
But then, somehow, after Mr. Graber
had made a toast to the rising moon, he leaned over and kissed her.
she kissed him right back almost without realizing she was doing it.
After that
she stayed for dinner each week when she’d finished cleaning. And then one week
she was lying with him in bed, stunned and satisfied. This, too, became a
He was a
good lover and Lori-ann very much looked forward to getting the cleaning over
and done with so she could have sex with Mr. Graber. And yet, it was also very
strange—the sex. She almost felt as if it were a part of the cleaning, something
else that she was now there to do.
continued to feel like that, even after Mark moved out and she started coming
over to Mr. Graber’s a few nights each week. It was pleasurable to be with him.
It was a pleasurable job.
But Mr. Graber—she actually called
him by his first name, ‘Richard,’ but in her mind he remained Mr. Graber—seemed
to want more. He wanted to go out to dinner, to go to movies, to have her spend
the night. Each time she said no. She would have died a thousand deaths before telling
him it horrified her to imagine bringing him to family picnics or introducing
him to her friends. That wasn’t part
of her job.
Finally he
must have realized that he was too old for her, that she didn’t want to be seen
dating an old man. And he told her that she was using him. He didn’t say it in an
angry way or even as if his pride was wounded all that much.
No more
than you’re using me, she responded. And he nodded his head.
With that
they established a line neither was supposed to cross.
And even
though that’s what she wanted—a line not to be crossed—some part of her felt
hurt that he didn’t pursue more aggressively. That he didn’t badger her for more
attention. Her hurt feelings made no sense, she knew. He had said he wanted a
relationship with her and she had turned him down.
But sometimes, when she sat astride
him, or knelt on the bed to have him enter her from behind or knelt on the
floor to take him into her mouth, she did
feel used. This was irrational, she thought. She was as enthusiastic about the sex
as he was. And he never made her do anything she wasn’t already more than
willing to do.
Yet so
often, as she lay in the dark, spent from coming, pleasurably sore, she felt
more than anything else like Mr. Graber’s housecleaner.
*** *** ***
was on her own back porch sitting in a nylon-webbed lawn chair. The late-summer,
early-evening sun was warm, but fading.
As she had
done so many times before from Mr. Graber’s porch, she peered out across the
lake to the opposite side, the wealthy side. Behind the screen of trees were
the mansions. And Mr. Graber’s house, his small, stucco sanctuary, was among
She had the
key. She could go there. He wouldn’t mind it if she got in her car, drove over,
crawled into his bed and spent the night there. At least, she didn’t think he
would mind.
Mr. Graber wasn’t home. He wasn’t
home because he was in the hospital. So there was nothing to stop her from
staying in his house while he was away.
It was nothing serious, he’d told
her. A hernia. Painful, but not serious. He’d be released in a few days. She
told him she’d visit him, but she hadn’t yet.
But in the meantime she could go
over there. She could pour a glass of wine and settle into a hot bath in his clean,
deep tub. She could go into the bedroom and sleep naked between his sheets. She
could wake to sunlight pouring into his bedroom. She could put fresh berries—he
always had fresh berries—into one of his thick, pottery bowls, drench them in
cream and eat them on the porch, listening to the birds, looking at the lake.
She didn’t have to go to Mr.
Graber’s house only to clean it or have sex with him. She could go there
tonight, for no reason at all other than wanting to.
Dusk was giving way to night now. The
lake glistened with light from the rising moon. The bats were out. Lori-ann
hated bats.
She folded up her lawn chair and
slipped back inside, careful to open the door only the slightest bit.
She went to the kitchen, took out a
Lean Cuisine and stuck it in the microwave. There were cans of Mark’s beer in
the refrigerator that had been there for months. She didn’t really like beer,
but she got out a can anyway and popped the tab. It smelled like Mark.
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Cazenovia Lake |
When the Lean
Cuisine was done she salted and peppered it, then brought it, along with a square
of paper toweling and her beer, into the living room.
She stretched
out on the sofa, covering herself up with the granny square afghan her mother had
made. She hunted among the sofa cushions to find the remote.
To save a little money she had
given up cable when Mark moved out. But she could still get a few channels, as
long as she wasn’t picky about what she saw. Right now she found a re-run of a
“Friends” episode she hadn’t seen and watched that while eating her dinner.
She wasn’t
going to go over to Mr. Graber’s house. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to. It
was that she didn’t want to be where all the things she loved belonged to him
and not a single one of them to her. It was better to stay right here at the
camp, where all the tired things around her were her own.
for sure, she would visit Mr. Graber in the hospital.
Great story. 12 is also a factor of 36.
ReplyDeleteIt's true! (You should see how I balance...(?)my checkbook. Many thanks for reading here!